Paris Essex featured in Women in Design article in ABSOLUTELY HOME this month just in time for #IWD
East London Sample Sale saturday 24th feb
Selling lots of lovely scarves this saturday!!
Keitodama magazine
We are delighted to be featured in Keitodama the Japanese knitting magazine this month!! Article by Hikaru Noguchi.
COVER MAGAZINE- attention grabbing rugs for 2018
"A Shaded View On Fashion" Interview with pictures by Louise Melchior!!
Lovely interview with Diane Pernet- A shaded view on fashion blog
Tiphaine gives the back story about knitting, fashion, paris essex and more..
.....The narrative is really how the blanket ends up having its own personality and look which wasn’t fully formed until the very end… it will start with an idea of a character, a mood then, more influences will come into it and it might become something else.We never really know where each blanket is going to go and what it is going to look like in its final form… we go on a journey with all its potential for adventure and unknown....
photos by Louise Melchior
Voices East London Festival Market
Paris Essex in China ! International Exhibition of Creative Pattern Design
Paris Essex at the International Exhibition of Creative Pattern part of the ICPDC2017 Symposium organised by the Hangzhou municipality and China Academy of Art.
We were invited to exhibit and to speak about our work in November 2017
Cent Magazine- Stand on my Art!
MMW and Friends at London Design Fair until Sunday
Paris Essex sharing a stand with MMW and Friends at London Design Fair until Sunday! Old Truman Brewery- top floor stand 11.
Thanks W.A.Green!
Had great fun doing our show and tell at this evening- these new Mini Lips crazy blankets are on sale now- pop in and have a look!
Shoreditch Design Triangle- women making waves in design
London Design Fair- Book now!
London Design Fair 21-24 September 2017.
We will be showing a range of Crazy Blankets at TENT, Truman Brewery, E1
Shoreditch Design Festival- W.A.Green event!
W.A Green will be hosting a week of Women in Design during the Shoreditch Design Festival and we will be taking part at their fab shop on Weds 20th september- watch this space!
Vera Visage at W.A.Green
We are very excited that Paris Essex joins W.A.Green... fab new stockist in Charlotte road, Shoreditch .....selling 'dopamine for the home'
Paris Essex on FARFETCH!
Paris Essex x UMD Farfetch collaboration
Read MoreBlack Magic ...
one of our crazy blankets currently on exhibition at the minories gallery in Colchester
Between Things exhibition until 10th June- we are in great company!
So excited to be a part of this wonderful exhibition at The Minories Gallery in Colchester devised and curated by Ben Coode Adams and Kaavous Clayton. Brilliant mix of work by Ben Coode-Adams, Clare Iles, Celia Pym, Paris Essex, Will Cruickshank, Freddie Robins, Stafford Schmool & Sharon Leahy-Clark.
Read more about it ; BETWEEN THINGS