Our recent work is a series of unashamedly joyful and exuberant giant woolly vases. Scaled-up crochet techniques from 1970s craft books have been combined with recognisable 1980s domestic knitting-machine patterns. Rather than rejecting and avoiding outdated and sexist ideas of women’s crafts and home-making from our childhood, we have found ourselves paying respects to all forms of domesticity and playfully nostalgic for feminine stereotypes that we used to avoid.
Working in textiles and specifically with hand crochet and domestic knitting machines, we have been immersed in the world of hobbies and home-craft for years, whether we liked it or not. Like a scroll through lockdown social media tutorials, the imagery in our work embraces the enduring joys of flower-arranging, pottery, cat-lovers and make-up tutorials.
Material girl at The Bomb Factory Long Acre London WC2
Blue Lips Bouquet -Crochet and Knit